The Beginning…

PhysicsHack Beginnings
Found this screenshot on an old phone recently. It reminded me of where PhysicsHack started back in 2014.
I had moved house and needed a place to store all my excess tools, and general stuff. I rented this garage but immediatley realised it would be a perfect lab. It had an electricity supply and only around 10,000 or so spiders.
Though I had no real idea what I would do here, I eventually found a small lathe and was able to test concepts for improvements to magnetically driven pumps as well as some hobby projects, though it wasn’t until I made some small fidget spinners, and a new kind of compass that things got really interesting. Eventually I made the very first Vortex Dome here!
I always thought it was interesting how having access, even to small place like that would inspire the creation of things.